Wednesday, February 3, 2010

homework (pro's&con's)

The website i decided to chose was "". I decided to pick facebook because there are many advatanges and disadvatages. "Facebook" is a very popular site in which many people from all over the world join in on. One of "facebooks" pro's is that people from all over the world can interact with eachother. Instead of searching someone such as a childhood friend or family member in yellow pages or other difficult ways you can just type in their name on "facebook" only if you have your own account and you'd be surprised to see who you might find. You can only find you friend if they also have a "facebook" account and in todays society majority of people do have a facebook. For one of the con's towards "facebook" are many. As though "facebook" is just an internet site it can be very dangerous. There are many fake people who take others identaties. There are also petafiles, cyber bullies, crazy people and much more. What really effect many people who have "facebook" is that they post pictures of them out having fun having some drinks, partying very inocent but its not was it seemes on camera. many people lose their jobs once their bosses see that. Also many relationships come to an end because of the same reasons. Also once you post up a picture is will permenatly be owned by "facebook" no matter what you do even if you delete the picture, "facebook" will still have it and own it. So good luck if you want to become a police, doctor, actor, musicien, lawyer basically sucsessful because once someone types out your name everything will be exposed. "Facebook" does cause drama and that's a fact! I on the other hand do have "facebook" but i watch out and think twice into what i post on my account. "Facebook" to myself and others that i know reunites us with old friends and people we'd like to stay connected to. Here is a website which tells the most popular stories (good and bad) about "facebook".,aspx