Tuesday, June 8, 2010

appreciaition #5

The movie be kind rewind is about this man that has this movie store and he leave to this to man that are like little kids. He leaves the shope to these to boys becaues he goes on a trip to find out how me could make more money for his shop to see if he could make it better. be for this theres this women that wants to take his place down because it falling apart and theres alot of thing to do and they want to biluld something new on his land. So he goes on this trip to find marketing thing to help make money for his shop. So leaving his shop to those to boys was not a good idea at frist but those boys started to make there onw movie becuase one of the boss's bigest clients wanted a movie that they did have so they mad it and then more people came and see them for this movies that they were making and there were selling very well and for good money so they started do this and it started to get had to get more and more people to do this so they were trying to keep up and all they did . and then the boss came in and said it has to stop and they said no becasues the hole town was going to save the shope beacuse there was some one very famise that was born in the shop and that was he was a very famise pianno player i forgot his name but they all got to gethere and made a movie about this man that was born in the shop and they made enoff money to say the shop so that was a good thing and i reall like the movie i engoyed the movie very much.
Appreciattion #4

When watching this video from BP and it's crazy because thing like this save are world to be a better place. When i watched this video in class i was freeking out because i never new one conpany could make a differents to a perison that puts gass like in the little clip. Then theres that other video that makes fun of bp and thats not that good and thats why people go for it and it's not in montreal it's somthing thats in european things thats what good about it and alot of people go for this conpany. if they had it in montreal it would be good because alot of people would use it as a sorus to do stuff and resical there things. Theres also the video about the girl and everone that changes like everthing theres the part that the girl has all these persing and then becomes a beautful girl with out all those thing on her face. Then theres the one were the girls feet are all messed up beacuse she dues balay and they say that with pain you could acheve thing and at the end they say bp and it;s really mad reall nice and it takes alot of work to do and to do these aderting it take lot and lots of money to but thies thing together.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Appreciation# 3

There is alot of this that have alot of inpact to are techonlage and it's good in a way and bad in others thats somthing for me it bad because i dont really like computer things. what i think were gonna see is eletrica car and i think theres going to be no more gas cars in like 10-20 year form now thers going to be only electric cars in the world .there going to try these proudcts like crazy when they do come out there is going to be a big sall in this part of marceting.it has alot of inpacted on all drivers becuse your helping the world to be come a better places and by doing this it is a good thing for ever on that will by this car and themn use it and dont have to use gass and he could not polut the world.
Appreciation #1

The video we watched in class was on the new xbox and to me it looked really cool and neet. Im not really a video game perison but that game or xbox is really cool and i know it would cost alot of maney but i would by it just because it looks like a lot of fun. the culture be hind this game is not that bad but like thing that have to do with girls and boys for an exampl the part were the driver is driving and the man has to change the tirer is really good but if you dont have a guy there to play with you you cant change your tirers. for the kids that are growing up this has a big impact on them.There not going to go out side jus beacuse you could do what ever you want on that game so there going to be alot of people playing in side the house. well it not as bad but its still not a good think that comes to are little ones.he talks about the game is going to be bad for the people that buy it just that the game is played in side and people will be very lasy to do suff out side.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

homework (pro's&con's)

The website i decided to chose was "www.facebook.com". I decided to pick facebook because there are many advatanges and disadvatages. "Facebook" is a very popular site in which many people from all over the world join in on. One of "facebooks" pro's is that people from all over the world can interact with eachother. Instead of searching someone such as a childhood friend or family member in yellow pages or other difficult ways you can just type in their name on "facebook" only if you have your own account and you'd be surprised to see who you might find. You can only find you friend if they also have a "facebook" account and in todays society majority of people do have a facebook. For one of the con's towards "facebook" are many. As though "facebook" is just an internet site it can be very dangerous. There are many fake people who take others identaties. There are also petafiles, cyber bullies, crazy people and much more. What really effect many people who have "facebook" is that they post pictures of them out having fun having some drinks, partying very inocent but its not was it seemes on camera. many people lose their jobs once their bosses see that. Also many relationships come to an end because of the same reasons. Also once you post up a picture is will permenatly be owned by "facebook" no matter what you do even if you delete the picture, "facebook" will still have it and own it. So good luck if you want to become a police, doctor, actor, musicien, lawyer basically sucsessful because once someone types out your name everything will be exposed. "Facebook" does cause drama and that's a fact! I on the other hand do have "facebook" but i watch out and think twice into what i post on my account. "Facebook" to myself and others that i know reunites us with old friends and people we'd like to stay connected to. Here is a website which tells the most popular stories (good and bad) about "facebook". www.oddee.com/item_96910,aspx

Sunday, October 25, 2009

1. I was over whelmed by seeing the young girls dressed in sexy clothes when they should be dresses in the own propriate age.
2. The image i have of sexy is like dressing nice and elegant and appling trying to grab the other persions attention.

3. The role of parents should set the limits.A child should be a child and not an adult. Parents should be able to set rules for themselves and their children to follow.

4. I would try to explain that going to school would be the right thing to do. Make new friends learn how to read and write. try to explain that this social life is only for adults and not children.

Thursday, October 8, 2009