Tuesday, June 8, 2010

appreciaition #5

The movie be kind rewind is about this man that has this movie store and he leave to this to man that are like little kids. He leaves the shope to these to boys becaues he goes on a trip to find out how me could make more money for his shop to see if he could make it better. be for this theres this women that wants to take his place down because it falling apart and theres alot of thing to do and they want to biluld something new on his land. So he goes on this trip to find marketing thing to help make money for his shop. So leaving his shop to those to boys was not a good idea at frist but those boys started to make there onw movie becuase one of the boss's bigest clients wanted a movie that they did have so they mad it and then more people came and see them for this movies that they were making and there were selling very well and for good money so they started do this and it started to get had to get more and more people to do this so they were trying to keep up and all they did . and then the boss came in and said it has to stop and they said no becasues the hole town was going to save the shope beacuse there was some one very famise that was born in the shop and that was he was a very famise pianno player i forgot his name but they all got to gethere and made a movie about this man that was born in the shop and they made enoff money to say the shop so that was a good thing and i reall like the movie i engoyed the movie very much.

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